Author: Michael

  • Power Is Here for Everyone

    Do we have destructive habits that we want to change? Is it too late for us to become better people? It can be tough out there right now, but it is always ok. While, it seems like everything is moving so fast but that just means its time to take…

  • Bring in the Light

    What does paradise look like? Have you been there before or maybe recently? I want to visit my paradise right now. The happy place that makes your heart feel good and you start to light up. When you relax, forgive, and love yourself and everything around you. In these times,…

  • The Next Big Adventure

    I am an introvert and today was another day. I feel on empty from all the interactions and noises that went on today. It seems like things have been moving lately and maybe that is matching the pace of the people. To look at where my life was a year…

  • Reflecting is Important

    Things are starting to feel weird again and I do not know why. It is strange when issues just come up and you will have to deal with them. It must be an off day, but something just does not feel right. We should lean into what we feel, so…

  • How Do You See Yourself?

    The type of influences and people we surround ourselves with will have an important impact on us, especially when we are young. We may not realize, and I did not realize at the time how important this was until later in life. Please make sure and have positive and good…

  • Learning New Things is Fun!

    What do you want to discover about yourself? It can be a dangerous game when you are looking at things. You will have to see both the good and the bad and that can drive people nuts. Or maybe if you find something bad, you do not want to investigate…

  • I Think I Won the Lottery

    Money is something that is important to us. It can help make a difference in our lives. It holds power of many people, and we would do anything to get our hands on it. Some of us are born into money and do not know anything different. Others have trouble…

  • Settle on Being A Winner

    Should we ever settle for something in life? I do not think we should because settling gives me a sense of unworthiness. If we really wanted something we would feel worthy for it and end up getting it. When you want something, you need to have the desire to go…

  • Never Regret the Pain You Felt

    Do I have any regrets about what has happened in my life? No, not at this point. Everything that happened was supposed to happen and has made things better. I read that when we get angry, we are sad about something, and it is the fear and sadness coming out…

  • How the World Looks Today

    I like the path I am on and experiencing every new day. I keep seeing and hearing comments about people now being less-caring, more selfish. This can be a good thing and a terrible thing. It can be good being selfish, putting yourself first, acting aggressively. This is how we…