When we forgive others, we do not have to accept them back into our lives. We can acknowledge what has happened, how we have acted, accepted our responsibility, and make peace with the situation. I have tried to understand my choices but know I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. I thought the choices I made at the time was right, but looking back I would change them. This happens to everyone and is natural. I tend to feel when someone is yelling at me like it is 10X loude. It can feel scary for me. Noone likes getting yelled at or being scolded by another. Now that I am an adult, if I am not going out of my way to hurt another, I do not appreciate if someone criticizes or scolds me. I have been known to have a low tolerance from this and usually will not accept this treatment. Everyone makes mistakes and I need to learn as much as anyone else that does not give anyone a right to react negatively to someone that could be just pointing it out. Acceptance can be knowing you may not have gotten what you wanted, but you are able to understand what you did get. Acceptance and forgiveness can be powerful tools that can soothe the soul. There is never a reason to get so excited, sad, lonely, to never exercise these things into our routines. Events can be painful, cause us pain, make us feel weak, but a great healer in life is time. Everyone’s time limit to get over the events that come in their lives is different. We must never expect a time where you will feel good again. Also, never try to drown in the way things are going. This thinking can be like an avalanche, and soon your thoughts are buried in the pain. I like to process, but do not wallow. Process the events but try not to drown in it. I have had issues I have been able to brush off with friends the same night, but have also had to take sometimes years, to get over the pain of an event. Noone has the set answers and can tell us when things will get better. That is something I like about life is we all FACE pain, but we can all face pain DIFFERENTLY. Make sure to try to build healthy habits to set yourself up for what you want. Try to organize what you can and cannot control the best you can. When life gets good for me, or I am enjoying a good moment in my day I try to hold on and remember the feeling. I need to remember it for when things are good. Then when I feel down, I can try to look back on a recent positive memory to make me smile for some time. We always must choose to feel good or bad and to be in the best mindset to get what we want out of life. When things are difficult that is when I want to hold on to those positive memories the most.